a sea of love

a sea of love 

you and i, in between it flows
a sea of love that is like so cho
a field of lilies in my heart grows
i wonder, if you ever feel its blow
anything or everything, i feel fro
i see in us, its love that glows.

the morning wakes up with the sun
the evening relaxes in the horizon
where the day floats in the clouds
where the sky is clear in the loud
we are together throughout in fun
our sea of love floats in the run.

your sea of love is my crazy flower
you flow in your blow of love shower
i am addicted to sail in your dower
time leaps to assay our shaking power
but we stand on our feet at any hour
a fact, life is both happy and sour.

your love is so wild, i am drowned
you fill me with you into my ground
you kiss in pleasure of inner sound
its warm, gifted, my love is found
your sea of love paradise is around
you and i, in us is our love crowned.

thanks for visiting me and keep visiting. thank you all. love you all. see you all soon again. 

with love – prabhatks

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